Shades Valley High School Class of 1964


It is suggested that a PC or tablet be used to complete this form.

The email address you enter here will be used to send periodic News, Announcements & Updates to you about the 50th Reunion.  Data entered will be included in our periodic updates to the printed 50th Reunion Booklet from 2014. Your address and other information will not be shared with other organizations.

PLEASE use upper and lower case characters when entering your data so we won't have to edit it. 

To UPDATE an existing registration . . .

1. Fill out all required* name data and email address fields.  Submit the form using button at bottom.

2. If the email address provided is already on file, an error message will be displayed in red.  Scroll down the form to the email address field.

3. Use the Click here to update your profile link button. For security purposes, you'll be sent an email with a link to the Update Profile form.

4. Click that link and you'll be taken to a page that looks similar to this signup form, but will display all of your existing information.

5. Make needed changes on that page and click Update Profile when finished.  We will send you a confirmation email.

* indicates required
This is important. All database records use last name that was in 1964 Tower.
What do you want to be called?
PLEASE abbreviate Ave., St., Rd., Dr., Pl., Cir., Blvd., etc.
Enter USA or OTHER in CAPS
PLEASE use nnn-nnn-nnn format
PLEASE use nnn-nnn-nnnn format
PLEASE use Degree, College - Year format. Ex: BA History, Samford University - 1967
Married; In A Relationship; Widow,Widower; Divorced; Single; Other
nn Children & nn Grandchildren
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